Saturday, December 20, 2008

On The Daddy Tip #6

Have you ever heard that radio commercial with the Dad who's giving advice to his kid regarding letting a girl know that the kid likes her? The Dad's all like "Just grunt and pick up heavy stuff around her." Useful advice but there's no mention of lifting with your legs, not with your back. Well, I obviously care more about you than that Dad cares about his kid, because my Daddy Tip today is all about safety. One thing that commercial did get right is how you don't have to be perfect to be a good Dad. That's why I only know about four or five signature dishes to prepare. One of those dishes however, is quesadillas(QDs). I've had a QD pan for a while but it's cast iron. It's a good, heavy cast iron pan but it's hard to dodge when my wife throws it and its handle gets very hot. The solution to my quandry was a handle pot holder courtesy of A****Bee's. Back when A****Bee's food was edible, the fajitas were the bomb-diggity. Conveniently, they would come with a handle pot holder in order to avoid lawsuits. Even more conveniently, the pot holders fit in a pocket and are virtually invisible to metal detectors. If you can stand the crappy food, head on over to A****Bee's and get the fajitas. Then buy yourself a QD pan and learn how to cook like Rick Bayless.

1 comment:

  1. I think I speak for all the followers of this blog when I say that I appreciate you making the sacrifice of eating at A****Bee's to help guide us to a safer kitchen.
