Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Everything Has a Season

I officially have a saga! Last year, in an attempt to be more organic in my everyday eating and to show my daughter where food comes from, I planted a garden. That's right, I'm a hippy, har, har. For a while you could've found me toiling away like some geriatric Dude with very little time left. I found out something really interesting in the process, though. First: Tomato Hornworms are huge! and B) A compost pile is essential and should be in play before a garden is started. Because I was a late bloomer(get it?) I started my pile after my garden was running. Religiously, I would fill up my little scrap bucket with...um...scraps and truck it out to the backyard to feed my pile. Well, it's winter now so my garden is dead but I made an interesting discovery a short time ago. Much like Waldo it was hidden in plain sight. I found the scrap bucket. And apparently I forgot to empty it before tundra set in. As a consequence, it's full. My plan is to wait until spring, pop the lid and see what I've grown in there. It started out as lots of coffee grounds, some broccoli, tomatoes and whatever else I could think to add while my wife wasn't looking. Tune in in the spring to see what's cooking. But still read my blog until then, too.

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