Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Satan's Cadillac

You've all seen it. In someone's front yard, in a park, in a store. Hell, you've probably even got one yourself. That's right. The Cozy Coupe. "But why, why," you ask? Because my daughter turned two on Sunday and sometimes we have to do stuff. So I unpacked and I proceeded. And then I had trouble:

But then I read the instructions. And I saw something that looked familiar (at least it would to non-virgins). I saw this:

Yup. In the middle of the instructions on how to assemble a kid's toy, I found out how to put one on. Or get one off. So, following the logic train straight into the station I thought to myself, 'Self, what I need is lubrication.' And the funny thing is, it worked! You think that's gross? No, it's natural. You think it's a waste? Guess what? I'm married and I have a two year-old. Nobody living in my house is gonna come to me and say, "Hey, have you seen the expired KY that was in the nightstand?" Unfortunately, nothing else called for lubrication which, oddly enough, made things harder. There was some screwing involved but it just gave me a sore hand. I guess I'm out of practice.

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