Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On The Daddy Tip #14

A wise man once said "When The Hulk gets angry, he turns into Chuck Norris." Well, when Chuck Norris gets angry, he turns into daughter. All of a sudden, it seems overnight, daughter has devolved into a Terrible Two. Wife doesn't know when it happened. I sure as hell don't know when it happened because I was at work. We both just woke up one day and daughter had grown horns. And let me tell you something: It sucks!! The slightest provocation results in daughter putting her hands in her mouth and screaming and crying. Naturally, because I follow my own Daddy Tips, daughter has been left standing in several grocery stores (the police know where she lives now and just bring her home) but ignoring these new mega-tantrums doesn't seem to be working too well. It may even be exacerbating the problem. On a bad day, we can average about three full blown tantrums an hour, and because wife has decided that nap time is no longer necessary...It sucks!! So, Ive come up with a new solution that's not really new: Once the TT's pop off, you've gotta start listening to your kid. It's not rocket science and it's so easy to do. When a kid starts erupting with all the whine just look them in the eye, gently take their hands out of their mouth and ask.... "Want some cheese with that?" LOL! I couldn't resist! No, really, just look them in the eye and ask them "What do you need?" Nine times out of ten the kid will look at you and explain what's wrong. The tenth time, well, that's probably not your kid and I would strongly suggest to you, if you want to avoid jail-time, that you remove your hands from them immediately!

1 comment:

  1. It's true Chuck. It's the frustration. Sometimes they are just being brats. And I left J and J in the aisle at the grocery store many a times. I was not about to wrestle with them bc they saw some candy in the registerlane that they HAD to have. I said NO!

    But when you look them in the eye, let them know you understand they are trying to say something, and humble ourselves and say "Help mommie/daddie understand" something magical happens. To this day, as long as we talk to J2 he's kewl.
    When we try to ignore/push him to the side, he will still loose it. Lots of hugs help too.

    My communication skillz have significantly improved since becoming a parent. Ive lost the art of appearing cool, lol, but Ive gained the art of articulation.

