Friday, March 13, 2009

With a job, a baby, a wife and a shrinking tolerance for alcohol(not to mention a newly instituted random drug screening program at work), I don't get out too much anymore. Because of this, I tend to look forward to the little things. For example, the highlight of last weekend was driving to Wexford, PA with a 16 month old. Here's a tidbit: Did you know the word "wexford" means "mudflat" or "stagnant pool"? Yeah. Anywho, I've been geocaching for almost a year now and I'm finding that it's starting to replace a lot of the joy that I used to have and some joys that I've always wanted to experience. For those that don't know, geocaching is the practice of using multi-billion dollar military satellites to look for tupperware in the woods. It's great fun, really, and here's why:It allows me to travel! Well, not really, but things I own are travelling and that's pretty cool. I own a couple travel bugs, which are trackable dog tags that are attached to tchotchskys and sent out into the world. One of them is still somewhere in PA but the other is off seeing the world. It's this Scooby-Doo antenna thingy and some guy picked it up in PA and dropped it off in Alaska. When I first started caching I didn't think I'd care about an inanimate object out in the wild. But as I think about it, it seems pretty neat to me that something I've held in my hand is out there experiencing things. And I don't even have to worry about if it'll be home in time for it's curfew. Or if I'll have to be "cleaning my gun" when I meet its date for the first time.

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