Friday, October 24, 2008

On the Daddy tip #1

So, Dads, just so this doesn't seem like a free-for-all rant against babies, kittens, puppies, butterflies and everything "cute", I figure I'll try to instill a wholesome amount of Daddy-ness into this blog with a tip now and again. If you're sittin' around being a Man and you think of some way your Man-ness has improved the lives of babies everywhere, let me know @ and we'll learn, together.
Today's tip is actually mom approved(which shows that they're right sometimes). The next time you find yourself in a baby store, snag some of these brightly colored rings. They come in packs of about a bajillion(so you know a Man packaged them) and they're reasonably priced too, so you'll have money left in your allowance after you pay for them. String a bunch together and not only do they look like a chain a baby would wield in a rumble, they're pretty damn handy in that you can attach one end of the chain to a car seat, stroller, whatever and the other end to whatever your kid is repeatedly throwing on the floor this week and save yourself the hassle of bending over. Instead teach your kid a fun new game I like to call "Pull it back up yourself and stop your whining."
Or, at the very least, you can wrangle a duck.

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